Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Puzzle Piece Fundraiser with a Twist!

We are now kicking off our new fundraiser to help Bring Home Bella. It is a puzzle piece fundraiser, with a twist.

We have this puzzle. There are 500 pieces. 500 seems like a lot doesn't it?

We thought we would like to offer these pieces for a donation. But then realized..... There are a lot of pieces to sell.... And we really, really need to sell them all so that we can buy plane tickets in as soon as 4 months....We need to up the ante.

So, we present to you all........


For every 100 pieces we sell, we will hold a giveaway for 1 Kindle Fire! A $159 value.

How will this work, you ask? For each $10 donation you give to help Bring Home Bella, your name will be written on the back of me of the puzzle pieces. Once there are 100 pieces with names on them, we will draw a winner. Once there are 200 pieces with names, we will draw again. And so on and so forth.

We still have some of our program fees and all of our travel expenses to raise to bring our sweet daughter home. But selling these pieces will bring us a lot closer to that goal!

Would you like to be a Piece of the Puzzle and help Bring Home Bella?
You can do one of two things!

1. Send your donation to my PayPal account,


2. Email that same address to obtain our mailing address.

Our goal is to do the fist drawing 6/15/13 or sooner!

You can buy as many pieces as your would like! Just make sure your donation is a multiple of $10 so there isn't any confusion.

Also, if you do not want to participate in the giveaway aspect, but want to purchase a puzzle piece, you can still donate and let me know not to include your piece(s) in the drawings.

If you would like to share this on Facebook or your blog, we would greatly appreciate that as well!

There is no cutoff date, this will be ongoing until we reach 500 pieces!
Thank you, as always, for your love and support as we get ready to Bring Home Bella!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Wow, what a journey we have been in these last few weeks, but we are finally DTC! This means our dossier has been sent to China. The paper chase is over. And now, we wait. We are hoping that I will be in China in October!

We were DTC on 5/15. Which just happens to be Kiara's gotcha day and the anniversary of receiving our travel call for Jocelyn! All three girls share this special day!

On Mother's Day we were blessed with an update and pictures of our sweet Bella. She is doing well. She is healthy and happy and loves attention. Here she is!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Our Dossier is Finished!

After a 9 month long"paper pregnancy" I just FedExed our dossier documents to our courier in New York City, who will deliver them to the Chinese consulate tomorrow!

We hope to be DTC, or "Dossier to China" by the end of next week!

Hang on Bella. We will be there soon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Having Fun in PT

Here is our strong girl having fun with her amazing physical therapist. Strengthening those stomach muscles in hopes of sitting independently someday!

That's her wheelchair in the background. So thankful she is still spending lots of time in it, sitting near the other children at her orphanage and being a part of the action!

Doesn't she just make you want to smile?